Three EMMI partners from Grenoble, Bordeaux and Liège participate in the project INSTEAD, "Study of InNovative compoSite Thin films based on metallic nanowire nEtworks and functional oxides for application in smArt winDows".

INSTEAD has started in July 2021 and will operate for 3 years.

Its goal is improvement of 'smart windows', by development and optimization of (1) indium-free transparent electrodes based on metallic nanowire nanocomposites and (2) active oxide layers using new composites and/or hybrid materials.

This interdisciplinary project is coordinated by Prof. Daniel Bellet from laboratory LMGP at Grenoble INP.

Other participants are from ICMCB-CNRS Bordeaux, CESAM at University Liège, and Nanomaterials and Devices Group at Middle East Technical University, Ankara.

INSTEAD is financed by M-ERA.NET, call 2020, project Nr 8191; overall budget 533k€.