Among EMMI's core strategies is the creation of strong links between Higher Education and Research for the benefit of Materials Science. The EMMI network has launched a number of educational projects for Master and Doctoral level:
- the European Masters Course in Multifunctional Materials FAME-Master, and its follow-up project FAME-INNO created in the framework of the KIC EIT Raw Materials.
- the International Doctoral School in Functional Materials IDS-FunMat, financed by ERASMUS MUNDUS, and its two daughter projects: EJD-FunMat (Initial Training Network in the EU Marie Curie funding scheme) and IDS-INNO, which is funded by the KIC EIT Raw Materials.
The three doctoral projects have their common website at
For more infos regarding EMMI's involvement in the KIC EIT Raw Materials, see this page.
The annual Doctoral Training Schools organised every year in spring since 2010, have also become the place for the annual general meeting of EMMI researchers.
The research techniques for materials synthesis and characterisation are evolving rapidly. We aim to 'educate' researchers and industry on the techniques used by EMMI researchers. See menu Database & Search Tools for more details.
Photo: participants of the Training School 2013 in Annecy, France